Visual Systems (Ryoji Ikeda)
For this project, we were tasked with creating 4 posters and a 15-second video to advertise a fictional series of 4 actual Ryoji Ikeda installations. Ryoji Ikeda, a Japanese audiovisual artist, utilises sounds in various raw forms and lights to create large installations. We, in turn, were to interpret his work and use original imagery to fulfil the brief.
I focused on Ikeda's use of large light panels as the main graphical element in my poster series. Each poster features a light panel in a dark room (typical of Ikeda's installations), illustrated with graphics inspired by the works they are advertising. In additional to that, for the graphics used for the light panels in posters 2 and 3, the thickness of the cubes and lines are affected by binary coding. I stripped down the textual information in the posters to their binary codes, basically variables of 0s and 1s, where 0s indicate a thinner cube or line, and 1s indicate a thicker one.
In the video, I wanted to pay homage to Ikeda's usage of light. Similar to the binary coding concept, I used morse code to decide the lighting pattern. As morse code is made up of dots and dashes, I interpreted that to mean that a dot is a blink of light, whereas a dash is a longer flash of light. Combined with a dynamic panning of a camera over the scene (animated in Maya), it completes my interpretation of Ikeda's original works.